
recipe: mixed salad with barbecue prawns & special cocktail sauce

I am a huge fan of fresh, healthy salads with all kinds of toppings, especially for dinner when I'm hungry and not in the mood to spend too much time in the kitchen. I'm sure all of you know how to prepare a salad with prawns, theres nothing new to that, but after trying some different dressings to go with it, this variation of cocktail sauce is my all-time favorite (works also great with chicken)...give it a try, and I'm sure you will love it!

Here's what I used for the whole meal:

- mixed salad (I often only use marche)
- tomatoes, cucumber, corn (whatever you like
with your salad)

- frozen prawns (I love prawns with herbs;
this time I used barbecue prawns)

- cocktail sauce
- plain yoghurt (I used about 150 gr. for myself)
- herbs (even though I love fresh prepared ingredients,
the mixture seen in the picture below is just perfect for this dish)

- balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper

Start by washing the salad, then cut the tomatoes and other ingredients and toss everything together in a bowl. For seasoning the salad, I only use a splash of balsamic vinegar and olive oil with a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook the prawns and put them on the salad. For the dip, stir the cocktail sauce with the yoghurt (at a ratio of 1:2, or maybe even 1:3), season with herbs and keep stiring until everything is mixed well (should be a somewhat light salmon colour by now).

Using a spoon, I put a blob of dip on every bite of prawn and salad (right on the fork, instead of mixing up the prawn salad with the sauce; that way the aromatic flavour of the dip is being preserved nicely)
 And that's it, ready to eat! Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sissa,

    ich danke dir für dein Feedback und werde deinen Salat auf jeden Fall auch mal testen!

    Eigentlich wollte ich nur ein wenig auf deiner Site stöbern,... Doch was ich gelesen habe, hat mir so gut gefallen, dass ich jetzt gleich als Leserin deines Blogs da bleibe =)
    Ich würde mich sehr freuen, auch dich auf http://makeup-taeschchen.blogspot.de/ als neue Leserin willkommen zu heißen!

    Herzlich Sanny


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<3 Sissa